

Culture of care

The safety and security of students, families, and employees in the school environment is our top priority. To achieve this, we have a culture of care, attention, and proactivity that guides our actions.

We take action to ensure physical safety, prioritizing the high quality of our facilities, as well as emotional wellbeing. We want our school community, especially our children and teenagers, to feel safe and supported to share their worries or difficulties.

Safeguarding policy

Each school in the Cognita group has a safeguarding committee, which acts independently, to ensure compliance with the standards. The policies adopted are based on legal requirements in Brazil and good school practices in the UK.

The safeguarding measures we apply are subject to periodic international evaluation, which all schools in the Cognita group undergo.

Policies for facility safety

  • Robust and effective emergency plan for the safe evacuation of all persons in case of fire
  • Lockdown training in the event of a serious incident or threat of school violence
  • Control of the entry and exit of people, and monitoring of the flow of people present at the schools
  • Student attendance control

Policies for physical security

  • Guidance for staff in identifying, reporting, and handling any situation of risk or abuse against students
  • Control in the administration of medications, safe storage, and monitoring of the expiration date of medications
  • A plan for accessibility so that students with disabilities and/or specific educational needs have the fullest possible school life
  • A plan for education about the use of alcohol and other drugs, as well as procedures for responding to any incident related to this subject

Policies for social and emotional wellbeing

  • A plan for the acceptable use of cell phones, the internet, and social networks, to minimize the risk of inappropriate contact with students and protect employees and the school from litigation
  • Encouraging positive behavior in the school environment, so that students feel able to confide in adults and talk openly about their problems
  • Promoting awareness of our diverse community, appreciating the value of differences among each other
  • Learning outside the classroom and educational visits as an integral part of school life, furthering students’ education and meeting their social and academic needs

Key contacts

Temos um canal de comunicação direto com os Líderes de Salvaguarda, por meio do telefone:

Unidade Av. Duque de Caxias: (43) 99993-3907

Maxi Global School: (43) 99949-2071